Getting Started

Getting Started

Project Development and Discussion

Specifications of the equipment are listed for each machine. If there are additional questions about the equipment or developing protocols for your specific needs, please feel free to contact the Centre:

Send an e-mail
Tel. 604-822-2873

or the Director of the Facility (Dr. Nancy Ford):

More Information

For more information about the capabilities and use of this machine, please contact:

Nancy L. Ford
Director, Centre for High-Throughput Phenogenomics
Send an e-mail

Equipment Access and Use

To access the equipment housed within the Centre for High-Throughput Phenogenomics, please fill in a project Access Request Agreement Form using the free Adobe Reader (Adobe Reader will enable you to save any input that you enter into the form). When you are ready to submit your completed form, you can attach it to an e-mail and send it to the Director of the Facility (Dr. Nancy Ford). This form must be e-mailed by the Principal Investigator or have a physical signature of the Principal Investigator.

NOTE: If you are unable to view the form or if your input is not being saved properly, you should verify that you are using Adobe Reader as your PDF viewer (other PDF viewers, such as “Preview” for Mac, will not work). If you are unsure as to which PDF viewer you are running, you should save the form to your computer (Safari users can right-click the “Access Request Agreement Form” link above, then click “Download Linked File”), then launch Adobe Reader, then open the form using Adobe Reader. Adobe Reader should indicate that “You can save data typed into this form.”

Why fill in a form?

The form serves as an agreement between the user and the Centre. This agreement authorizes the Centre to send invoices to be paid directly using a Standing Order Journal Voucher (for UBC users) or by cheque (external users). The form allows the Principal Investigator to identify research personnel who may perform work that is billed to the project. Please note this form also acts as an agreement to appropriately acknowledge the Centre in publications and presentations at scientific conferences, meetings, thesis dissertations, etc.

Once the form has been received:

  1. An account will be created for you and any staff listed in the Access Request Agreement Form. Login information will be sent to your e-mail account.
  2. Attend a mandatory orientation session for the lab. Orientation sessions are a WorkSafe BC requirement. Sessions run every 7-14 days, and users will be invited to attend via e-mail.
  3. Access to the facility will be added to your UBC ID card. This will give you access to the main doors of the facility and any equipment that you have been granted access to.
  4. Book time on the equipment using the online calendar system. Use the login information sent to you.
  5. Training on the equipment is provided. Alternatively, you may choose to pay facility personnel to operate the equipment for you. If technical assistance is required, please ensure that you select the box when you book time on the equipment.
  6. Retrieve your data when you finish each experiment. We cannot provide long-term storage of your data. We are happy to assist you in moving your data to another device (USB drive, CD, DVD, remotely accessible computer, etc.).

Access Updates

If you have new personnel in your laboratory whom you would like to send to the Centre for High-Throughput Phenogenomics, or if your current personnel now need access to additional equipment, please fill in an Access Amendment Form. When you are ready to submit your completed form, you can attach it to an e-mail and send it to the Director of the Facility (Dr. Nancy Ford).

To update your billing information, please fill in a Change Billing Information Form. When you are ready to submit your completed form, you can attach it to an e-mail and send it to the Director of the Facility (Dr. Nancy Ford).