Zeiss Axioplan II Fluorescence Microscope with digital Camera
The Zeiss Axioplan II upright microscope has a 6-place turret currently outfitted with 6 objectives from 5x to 100x. This microscope supports bright-field, phase contrast, and DIC imaging. The microscope also loads filter cubes for DAPI, FITC/GFP, and TRITC/Cy3 multi-channel fluorescence.
A Q Imaging Retiga digital camera was installed with monochrome/RGB imaging ability (image resolution: 1344 x 1024 pixels).
- Plan-NEOFluar 100x/1.3 oil
- Plan-Apochromat 63x/1.4 oil
- Plan-NEOFluar 40x/0.75
- Plan-NEOFluar 20x/0.50 ∞/0.17
- Plan-NEOFluar 10x/0.30 ∞/0.17 (Ph1)
- Plan-NEOFluar 5x/0.15 ∞/0.17
For more information about the capabilities and use of this machine, please send an e-mail.
Click here to view the booking calendar for the Axioplan II Fluorescent Microscope…