Leica EM MED020 Coating System

Leica EM MED020 Coating System
Visualisation of structural details in FE-SEM requires optimal conductivity. One step in the preparation of specimens for FE-SEM is coating the sample with a conductive material. The Leica EM MED 020 is a precision modular high vacuum coating system for planar magnetron sputtering and carbon thread, carbon rod, evaporation applications. This system will be primarily used to provide very fine grained sputter or evaporated carbon coatings for SEM. Our new techniques for high throughput coating can also be used for creating conductive thin films for various applications in optics, physics or electronics.
- High-Vacuum Sputtering — A cooled planar magnetron sputtering device with electron deflection produces uniform and reproducible metal coatings. Very fine-grained metal films with film thickness adjustable to 1nm. Foil targets available include Au, Au/Pd, Pt, Cr, Ti, Ir, Tn.
- EM QSG 100 quartz crystal film thickness monitoring system ensures highest reproducibility of sputtered or evaporated layers by precisely measuring film thickness and coating rates.
- Rotary-planetary-tilting stage — allows coating of uneven samples at pre-selectable coating angles, multiple angle movements.
- Carbon rod evaporation — creating conductive carbon films on specimens for X-ray microanalysis. Normal, portrait, rotary and low angle shadowing. Fine-grained carbon coatings for high-resolution TEM/SEM. Replicas, interference coatings and multiple layer metal and non-metal systems.
High throughput coating technique
For more information about the capabilities and use of this machine, please send an e-mail.
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